Sunday, August 22, 2010

Feeling Normal but Scared

So I have been taking the Lunesta for the past few days and haven't yelled at my children once (well, nothing beyond normal parenting).  My husband has also received more loving in the past 4 days than he probably has in the past 4 weeks.  The Lunesta is not getting me to fall asleep faster than normal... last night I lay in bed at least an hour if not an hour and a half.  But once I fall asleep my sleep is much better.  I actually feel a bit human the next day and function.  I've even made dinner twice in the past 4 days and it wasn't pizza! 

Now I feel afraid though.  Until just before I sat down to type this I hadn't felt the baby move in the past number of days.  I started feeling him/her kick me at 13 weeks.  I know that's really early.  I didn't feel the baby every day or many times during the day but I know it was my little butterfly.  Now at 15 weeks when I haven't felt the flutter of little wings I have been wondering if I am harming this little one. 

From everything I have read all the animal testing of Lunesta only caused fetal problems when the animals were given 20 times the dose.  One must imagine that if anyone is given 20 times the dose of a sleeping pill that they probably aren't waking up much.  Therefore malnutrition, decrease in circulation and many other things would factor in to the pregnancies of these animals.  The studies said that when the animals were given the drug in a normal dose nothing abnormal was shown.  Of course they can't do these studies on people as it would be unethical.

So I am the test subject for this "experiment" and I feel afraid.   I want to adequately care for my daughters without feeling like I am damaging their hearts (or causing them to need years of therapy) at the same time I want to adequately care for my butterfly without feeling like I am damaging any part of his/her fragile frame.

I've prayed for sleep... a lot.  I even went up about 4 weeks ago for prayer at my church. 

Sleep... oh you illusive charlatan!!! 

Tonight I am not taking my precious ally.  I will brave the night... and next day... alone.  I need to think on this more.

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